We use multiple sites and online resources. What helps you the most? 
11/28/2012 06:14:55 am

The tech that helps me learn are "Apple" products like ipods,ipads and computers!!!

Mrs. Hobson
11/28/2012 10:07:01 pm

Great question, Ben! Over the past few years I have learned that I am a very visual person. I really like to use technology with visuals. Flipcharts, videos, Powerpoint presentations, and slideshows of photographs are some of the things that help me learn. I probably use my laptop the most to access these things. I'll have to keep thinking!

1/29/2013 04:46:03 am

I think powerpoints or slideshows help me best! I feel the need to see it in order to help me learn. Also I think getting on a ipad helps me use math apps or get on the web to look something up.

1/29/2013 06:24:09 am

I think so many things help me learn that have to do with technology. Probably the thing that helps me most though is Powerpoints and laptops.

1/29/2013 08:05:38 am

I think Activ Inspire products help a lot! they have multiple choice clickers, Activ boards, and much more! they are a huge help!

1/31/2013 12:09:56 am

Very true. I can't quite imagine what our school learning experience would be like without the activboard products.

1/30/2013 05:02:10 am

I think that all different types of technology help me learn. Technology is very useful AND helpful if you are stuck, or just for fun games!!

1/30/2013 08:06:26 pm

I think the best thing i use is the Ipad. It doesn't give you the best answers but it gives you neet fact's! I also use it for lots of GAMES!

Ellen 4ster
4/8/2013 01:06:20 am

That's true Chanti! you can use the Ipad for games and also for School.

sophie 1
5/30/2013 02:00:07 am

I think that iPads are cool, but I think that they don't have as many resources. In addition, it is harder to look up things you need.

Sophie 1
1/31/2013 05:17:50 am

I think that all different types of techlology can help you! But I think that the computer is the bast. Why? Well on a computer you can search all sorts of things and web sites that will help you learn!

2/1/2013 12:04:16 am

I the Active boards computers and all the technology we use here at school such as ipods ipads computers active tables and more!

sophie 1
5/30/2013 01:57:30 am

I use the computer a lot. I use it because, it has a lot of resources that I use a lot. I use Google a lot.


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